Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Artist Who Does This Man

Just wanted to show some artist who style and does it well. I say they do it well because its part of their lifestyle and they wear what makes them comfortable. They use fashion as an art and a voice of expression.

First off is Andre 3stacks. Words can't express this dudes style. He is always out there and bringing some heat to the game.

Kanye West. Hmmm, the man behind the beats turned into the man behind the words and now he is the man behind some of the hottest and latest street brands. He says what ever he wants and wears what ever he wants.

The coolest nicca what??? A punk rock, skateboarder, turned to house hold name. Lyrically inclined and now he can say, fashion is mines. "American mentality, with Japanese tendencies"

Pharell or shall I say Phareall, cause Mr. Ice Cream is doing it big. Repping BBC and now a model for LV, you can't help but appreciate. Just do what he say and "Idiolize High Class Punk".

Rell aka Pluto... known for being out of this world. The voice of the young street wear consumers. Leader of the new school. I wear what I want, when I want because I want to. A sneaker fiend, just trying to make my name in this game. Inspired by Lupe, "I am going to show up screaming out PJ to the world blows up... disrespect their dresscode, wear my streets clothes in it."

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